Thank you very much for your interest in the Hibiya Engineering Group,[A1] and welcome to our corporate website.
Hibiya Engineering was established in 1966 with the aim of providing advanced general contracting services for air conditioning, sanitation, electrical, and various other equipment designed to bring the quality of buildings as well as the development of information and telecommunications to new heights. Since then, we have been operating for more than 50 years with a focus on facility construction. Today we are working on initiatives laid out in our Eighth Medium-Term Management Plan, which was launched in fiscal 2023, that will transform our clients' business operations and resolve a range of issues facing various regions.
In recent years, we have witnessed a host of different challenges emerge, such as realizing a decarbonized society, responding to increasingly severe natural disasters, improving productivity as well as work-life balance through the advancement of DX*1, meeting the needs of an aging population with a low birthrate, and revitalizing communities. Against this backdrop, we are working to strengthen our core technologies and take on new endeavors such as turning older buildings into ZEBs.*2
We will continue to evolve with an eye to doing our best to meet the expectations of all our stakeholders while working hard to address society’s most pressing issues.
I look forward to building a brighter future for our corporate group and all of you.[A2]
*1. DX: digital transformation
*2. ZEB: net-zero energy building
Hidetaka Nakagita
Representative Director, President and CEO